Escape the nicotine prison altogether and go from e-cigs to no-cigs.
It’s tough to criticize electronic cigarettes because those who use them say that they have eliminated most of the toxic chemicals found in normal cigarettes, and that they’re saving money and have cut back on how often they smoke. Plus, about one out of every three e-cig “fans” will tell you they have stopped smoking entirely thanks to e-cigs, and that’s great, but what happened to the other 66%, are things getting worse or better for them?
It is true that e-cigs have a better success rate for helping smokers stop than the nicotine patches, the gum, the medications (Chantix and Zyban), but the ultimate irony is that e-cigs were never meant to be marketed as a stop smoking aid, according to the inventor, the Ruyan Group from Hong Kong. It just goes to show how brutally toxic the 4,000-chemical-concoction in cigarettes has become that Big Tobacco has engineered over the past 50 years, and how happy smokers are to have some form of escape from the poisonous prison better known as “cancer sticks.” People just want a way out, and e-cigs shine a little bit of light the end of that tunnel.
E-cigs are simply nicotine delivery devices. But nicotine is a toxic nerve poison, insidiously powerful and capable of causing a lethal overdose especially for teenagers.
The benefits and “safety” of e-cigs are quite misleading. There are 20 varieties of e-cigs that contain nitrosamines, the same carcinogen found in real cigarettes, and most e-juice (nicotine juice) cartridges contain diethylene glycol, the highly toxic poison found in antifreeze, which causes leukemia. Many e-cigs which claim to have no nicotine will contain some, and many of the levels of nicotine disclosed on the packages are completely wrong, so it’s kind of a guessing game as to how much nicotine you’re getting.
In the US, e-cig devices are available in over 3,000 retail outlets, and all over the internet. They cost anywhere between $45 and $75, and sales have skyrocketed in the past year, exceeding $100 million.
The top 6 e-cig questions answered:
• Are e-cigs legal all over the world? Australia and Canada have banned e-cigs, classifying them as a tobacco product. Though the e-cig does not contain tobacco, those governments won’t make the exception. As far as the U.S. is concerned, National border security is confiscating e-cigs, but there is no law banning their use yet, but since they’re quickly depleting Big Tobacco’s profits, the FDA will likely step in very soon!
• Did you hear what happened to the e-cig user in Florida who’s e-cig blew up in his face? Tom Holloway of Niceville, Florida, is still alive, but is missing half his tongue, all of his front teeth, and has permanent burn scars on his face. Contrary to what the “e-cig community” would like to believe, it was not some cheap version of an e-cig, but a faulty, over-charged lithium battery which caused the life-threatening explosion.
• What are the side effects of nicotine? Nicotine by itself causes an increased heart rate, heightened blood pressure, narrowing of blood vessels (leads to heart attacks and strokes), gastrointestinal problems, depression, mood swings, sleep disturbances, headaches, loss of sex drive, insulin resistance, and vision problems.
• How are the stop smoking pills like Chantix and Zyban dangerous? These pharmaceutical toxins not only block nicotine receptors in the brain, but also block naturally occurring dopamine, so the patient suffers from heightened depression and anxiety, which fuels feelings of suicide and can even lead the patient to commit suicide.
The e-cig hangover
What most smokers don’t realize is that nicotine creates its own vicious cycle of need and feed. Nicotine is a depressant in the long term, but serves as a short term stimulant, so it actually relieves the smoker of the very feeling it created, which has quickly worn off from the last cigarette or e-cig smoked. In other words, a few nicotine drags are like taking an aspirin for an alcohol hangover, except most smokers engage in this “hangover relief” system about every hour. So go from e-cigs to no-cigs as soon as possible and your body will reward you with natural energy and a fantastic feeling of satisfaction and achievement.